Change is good

Transformation is even better

Change is good

Transformation is even better

by optivendo

The competence to transform your company
The ability to do this too

opti­vendo offers stra­tegic and prag­matic top manage­ment consul­tancy at the highest level. We live up to our claim when it comes to incre­asing short-term and sustainable sales and opera­tional perfor­mance of the compa­nies and orga­niza­tions we consult. We see ourselves as crea­tors among the consul­tants. Our approach begins with the use of the latest market know­ledge and market poten­tial, which we keep up to date.

We serve the entire range of sales and opera­tional chal­lenges to top manage­ment. As well as stra­tegic and orga­niza­tional aspects inclu­ding opera­tional imple­men­ta­tion issues – syste­matic and struc­tured sales, opera­tional processes and perfor­mance-oriented, tech­ni­cally inno­va­tive and digital – are the focus of our attention.


The foun­ders and share­hol­ders Hans-Jörg Giese and Guido Gutowski Schr­ader have over 20 years of opera­tional and sales expe­ri­ence in leading func­tions of compa­nies that specia­lize in complex tech­nical and process-specific busi­nesses (BPM & BPO).

More than 150 acquired and imple­mented major projects (local and inter­na­tional) with a sales turnover of more than € 500 million are the basis for the successful busi­ness model of optivendo.


In order to trans­form your busi­ness, you need a partner who will always provide you with fresh and inno­va­tive ideas. A partner with in-depth industry know­ledge in Busi­ness Process Manage­ment, CRM Manage­ment and Best Prac­tices for Customer Expe­ri­ence & Digital Excel­lence. A partner with in-depth know­ledge of your market, exten­sive expe­ri­ence in sourcing and outsour­cing, and a broad range of skills and general metho­do­logy. Above all, a partner who works with you side by side to reach the highest level of performance.

opti­vendo is this partner. We have over 20 years of in-depth exper­tise in over ten indus­tries. It is crucial that you work toge­ther with a partner who knows the inter­faces of manage­ment, sales and opera­tions. opti­vendo supports you in your stra­tegy goals and provides fast and reliable busi­ness-rele­vant results, which are shown in sales and revenue.

We are proud to support world leaders in deve­lo­ping, restruc­tu­ring and mana­ging their sales and opera­tions stra­te­gies. We are passio­nate about successfully imple­men­ting the most complex inno­va­tive sales tasks. This is the essen­tial core compe­tence of our company. With this we support our custo­mers in reali­zing success in busi­ness results – alone in the last eight years, opti­vendo has gene­rated over € 75 million revenue for its clients in new customer sales.


In the age of energy tran­si­tion and decen­tra­lized energy gene­ra­tion and services at customer sites, the key task of sales has gained a new signi­fi­cance. The conven­tional commo­dity offer should be re-presented with value-added offers for both private and busi­ness custo­mers as well as it should be commu­ni­cated through all offline and online channels.

Today’s key account mana­gers in the energy sector need addi­tional know­ledge in commer­cial and tech­nical solu­tions for the energy gene­ra­tion, storage, marke­ting and energy effi­ci­ency. We are looking for more “Hunters” than “Farmers” to open up new busi­ness fields and markets.

Through distri­bu­ting energy services, opti­vendo GmbH ensures that you are successful in the market. We support you in all aspects ranging from defi­ning your target custo­mers and markets to the deve­lo­p­ment of new products and services to the crea­tion and evalua­tion of pricing models and marke­ting concepts. With our proven consul­ting approach and our many years of exper­tise in customer manage­ment, we help energy provi­ders in impro­ving their customer service processes.

At the same time, we are inde­pen­dent energy consul­tants for medium-sized enter­prises, the industry and the housing sector. We support these compa­nies in setting up and opti­mi­zing their energy manage­ment, acqui­si­tion and the imple­men­ta­tion of energy effi­ci­ency measures.

We will gladly advise you:


Always up to date

Globa­liza­tion, digital trans­for­ma­tion and incre­asing sector conver­gence: We support our clients in maste­ring new chal­lenges today.

Maximum customer orien­ta­tion, cost-opti­mized busi­ness models and time to market are the key elements for a compe­te­tive company in order to estab­lish itself in the market.

We know the markets opera­ting in the local and inter­na­tional envi­ron­ment. We have an early reco­gni­tion of current deve­lo­p­ments and new trends.

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With inno­va­tive solu­tions, we support senior execu­tives, mana­ging direc­tors and Heads of Depart­ments in achie­ving their goals. Our tech­nical exper­tise lies prima­rily in the sales of highly complex products and services.

Our opera­tional process exper­tise in project manage­ment is applied to customer service, tech­nical support and purcha­sing. As a specia­list in energy effi­ci­ency, we imple­ment solu­tions for energy manage­ment in the industry and medium-sized enterprises.

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Our customer land­scape is diverse, ranging from medium-sized enter­prises to corpo­ra­tions. We have more than 20 years of manage­ment expe­ri­ence in IT, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, energy industry, finan­cial services, auto­mo­tive industry, trading, logi­stics, as well as services and outsourcing.

Our projects meet indi­vi­dual customer requi­re­ments and include cross-industry topics such as stra­tegy, orga­niza­tion, busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment, processes, employees, customer manage­ment, acqui­si­tion, energy-related services, tech­nical support and IT services.

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