Successfully implementing
innovative ideas

Turning opportunities
into success

Successfully implementing
innovative ideas

Turning opportunities
into success

by optivendo

We support board members, mana­ging direc­tors and area mana­gers in achie­ving their goals with inno­va­tive solu­tions. We are prima­rily specia­lized in the sales and distri­bu­tion of products and services.

We apply our opera­tional know-how to customer service, tech­nical support and purcha­sing as part of a project manage­ment process. As specia­lists for energy effi­ci­ency, we imple­ment solu­tions in energy manage­ment for medium-sized compa­nies and the industry.

Management Consulting

Only change is constant. It should be diffe­rent, new, revo­lu­tio­nary or even disrup­tive. There are many words for a neces­sary stra­tegy change and the accom­panying change processes in a company. For over 20 years we have been chan­ging the world with inno­va­tive ideas, evolu­tio­nary busi­ness models and opera­tional best prac­tice methods for the most diverse company divisions.

We act as analysts, deve­lo­pers, project mana­gers, imple­menters and doers in one. With the freedom to think, to be crea­tive and to break new ground, we bring fresh wind and new know­ledge into a company. We are compe­tent, coope­ra­tive and comple­men­tary to your team.

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Strategy, Sourcing & Organization

The compe­ti­tive envi­ron­ment for compa­nies today is more fuga­cious and aggres­sive than ever before. Even healthy compa­nies are constantly chal­lenged to review their own corpo­rate stra­te­gies in terms of their ability to imple­ment and adapt. The chal­lenges of exis­ting busi­ness models, trig­gered by the fall of commo­dity prices, poli­tical decis­ions and an increase in sector conver­gence are the key drivers of trans­for­ma­tion. Digi­ta­liza­tion, legal regu­la­tions and, last but not least, incre­asing customer requi­re­ments are further expan­ding the compe­ti­tive situation.

The need to conquer new markets, force inno­va­tions, diffi­cult manage­ment succes­sions, problems with busi­ness cultures, or even simple stra­tegic mistakes, chall­enge the manage­ment to act early and with fore­sight. We support compa­nies in taking the stra­te­gi­cally right path, to develop and acquire neces­sary solu­tions, prepa­ring the employees for a neces­sary change, as well as accom­panying the entire trans­for­ma­tion process to its completion.

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Business Development & Sales

Sales is no longer a distri­bu­tion policy. Dealing with customer needs and market deve­lo­p­ments on a daily basis, as well as provi­ding stra­tegic impulses for the further deve­lo­p­ment of a company, are the respon­si­bi­li­ties of a successful sales orga­niza­tion today. Instead of pure sales mana­gers, a strong central/​decentral managed agile busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment orga­niza­tion is required, that can react stra­te­gi­cally and rapidly to new envi­ron­ments in a fast-chan­ging economic market. Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment takes care of the future of a company.

The sale and distri­bu­tion of products and services is ther­e­fore much more than just under­stan­ding an issue, a product, a solu­tion, a service or a process. Successful sales acti­vi­ties are long-term and conti­nuous. On the one hand it involves the trust of a customer, while on the other hand, a precise know­ledge of a target market and the industry- and company-specific customer needs. The effort required to gain and main­tain this trust and know­ledge is constantly growing and provides every company with a diffi­cult task.

As imple­menters and doers with many years of market and industry expe­ri­ence and an exten­sive network of busi­ness cont­acts, we bring this customer trust and know­ledge with us. We support compa­nies in winning and inspi­ring new or former custo­mers with new or proven busi­ness models in new or exis­ting sales regions. We thereby are seen as “hunters”, relying on struc­tured and syste­matic sales approa­ches and who are measured by sales and results.

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Business Processes & Operations

Limited staff resources, chan­ging customer requi­re­ments and an intense compe­ti­tion mean that products and services must be constantly opti­mized. To meet the requi­re­ments and to steer a company successfully through a digital future, exis­ting processes should be conti­nuously analyzed and optimized.

Depen­ding on the initial situa­tion, the opti­miza­tion of busi­ness processes should include all stake­hol­ders, as well as pay atten­tion to all possible inter­ac­tions at the inter­faces to other internal or external areas that could influence the supply chain. The focus here is the increase in orga­niza­tional flexi­bi­lity, while heigh­tening the sense of respon­si­bi­lity and results among employees as well as the flow of processes. These have a direct impact on possible cost savings, impro­ving the quality of the perfor­mance and redu­cing the proces­sing time for a service or product.

Speci­fi­cally, the aim is to make processes more trans­pa­rent, clear, mana­geable, slim and error-free. Stan­dar­dized processes also enable the use of Robotic Process Auto­ma­tion (RPA), so that repe­ti­tive tasks can be auto­mated. The use of intel­li­gent soft­ware robots contri­butes to an opti­mized and effi­cient hand­ling of daily opera­tional tasks. We have repea­tedly demons­trated our analy­tical, struc­tured and prag­matic approach to incre­asing perfor­mance in a wide variety of busi­ness areas in nume­rous projects over the past 20 years.

We also help you set up a key figure-based Manage­ment Infor­ma­tion System (MIS) or opti­mize it and make it sustainable for your company. We expose, empower and moti­vate your employees to achieve the defined key perfor­mance indi­ca­tors. We recon­cile costs and the quality of the services, while impro­ving the asso­ciated results.

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Digitalization & Technology

Digi­tiza­tion drives change and promotes growth and oppor­tu­ni­ties. The appli­ca­tion areas for new tech­no­lo­gies are growing fast. Simul­ta­neously, market struc­tures and requi­re­ments are chan­ging: Trends such as cloud compu­ting, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and data secu­rity are chan­ging the face of the industry. To benefit from the growth outlook offered by these deve­lo­p­ments, compa­nies must constantly review and adapt their market posi­tio­ning. Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and machine lear­ning can help compa­nies to auto­mate busi­ness processes in the backend. This usually results in cost savings; employees are reli­eved of routine duties and can ther­e­fore concen­trate on tasks rela­ting to analysis and strategy.

One example from the tech­no­logy sector is an AI-supported Robotic Process Auto­ma­tion System (RPA). The spec­trum of soft­ware agents used here ranges from a simple, manual work­around to a complex soft­ware on a virtual machine. Very often, however, RPA projects are set up with the sole aim to reduce costs or increase effi­ci­ency. It is also suspected that the use of such tools is commu­ni­cated to a limited extent because of their poor image as (supposed) job killers.

We recom­mend taking a holi­stic approach to this subject. The use of inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies, inclu­ding stake­hol­ders that are affected by it, should always be taken into account – custo­mers, users, employees, service provi­ders and suppliers. The goal, ther­e­fore, is to not only focus on tech­no­logy and cost reduc­tion. Most of all, it pursues the goal of reli­e­ving the workload, while enhan­cing the employee’s know­ledge, as well as sustain­ably impro­ving the customer and/​or user experience.

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IT Service Management & Field Services

We are not an IT consul­ting company nor an IT system house. Our strength and compe­tence lie in the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of new sourcing solu­tions for the IT Service Manage­ment, tech­nical support and field service. We view the primary chal­lenges and tasks in tech­nical support and IT Service Manage­ment (ITSM) prima­rily from a customer or user perspec­tive, taking into account all IT-rele­vant perfor­mance and secu­rity requirements.

IT, as an orga­niza­tional unit, provides the elemen­tary prere­qui­sites for a user to be able to perform actual assign­ments without diffi­cul­ties. Today, the IT Service Desk is seen as a busi­ness support, more than an IT support. For IT, time-to-market means the rapid resto­ra­tion of user produc­ti­vity in the event of a tech­nical malfunc­tion or problem. Empowe­ring employees to help them­selves (e.g. pass­word reset), quickly clari­fying and solving problems in the initial contact and avoi­ding unneces­sary on-site tech­ni­cian assign­ments are the primary goals of incre­asing perfor­mance and user satis­fac­tion, while acting cost-effectively.

The same applies to the tech­nical customer service and field service of ITC provi­ders and manu­fac­tu­ring compa­nies from medium-sized busi­nesses and industry. Due to the ever-impro­ving networ­king of tech­nical infra­struc­tures and produc­tion-rele­vant faci­li­ties, as well as the avai­la­bi­lity of virtually unli­mited compu­ting capa­ci­ties of today’s cloud plat­forms, poten­tial damages to critical systems can be predicted accu­ra­tely. Diffi­cul­ties in the provi­sion of data and commu­ni­ca­tion services, and in the produc­tion, can thus be essen­ti­ally avoided. Digi­tally trained employees can make targeted, data-supported decis­ions remo­tely or on site due to the infor­ma­tion available. This leads to a greater relia­bi­lity, longer runtimes, fewer complaints and ulti­m­ately greater efficiency.

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Acquisition & Human Resource Management

The highly compe­ti­tive and cost pres­sure of nume­rous indus­tries is incre­asingly encou­ra­ging compa­nies to outsource their opera­tional services in the areas of purcha­sing, finance, sales, customer service, IT or even human resources. We are specia­lized in supporting these compa­nies in finding the right sourcing strategy.

In addi­tion to iden­ti­fying and evalua­ting cost saving poten­tials in orga­niza­tions, we also examine possible oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks that result from a coope­ra­tion with an external service provider. As inde­pen­dent consul­tants, we serve the entire supply chain in human resources: from tende­ring complex services to the selec­tion of the right service provider and recrui­ting the right personnel.

Further­more, we are available at your disposal on a short notice. Espe­ci­ally when you want to fill a vacant posi­tion in the company on a tempo­rary basis until you have found a final solu­tion. Or if you are looking for an alter­na­tive way to tempo­r­a­rily purchase addi­tional know-how to drive entre­pre­neu­rial thin­king and Change Manage­ment in your company, to acce­le­rate your own sales force or to boost perfor­mance in opera­tions management.

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Project and Interim Management

Project manage­ment is beco­ming incre­asingly important for compa­nies. Many assign­ments today are so complex that they can only be solved with the support of project manage­ment tools. The markets are beco­ming more and more dynamic, as well as faster and less calculable. As a result, compa­nies are under pres­sure and must use their resources flexibly and effi­ci­ently. Deve­lo­p­ment and product life­cy­cles are beco­ming shorter and the pres­sure to reduce costs is incre­asing. Infor­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gies are also deve­lo­ping rapidly. Compa­nies often lack their own resources. With that in mind, more respon­si­bi­lity is being placed in the hands of expe­ri­enced specia­lists who concen­trate solely on the task of project plan­ning and implementation.

Whether as a project manager, busi­ness partner or interim manager on a tempo­rary basis: we have 20 years of sales and opera­tional expe­ri­ence in the areas of stra­tegic sales, busi­ness process manage­ment and outsour­cing. In addi­tion to the poten­tial oppor­tu­ni­ties of new stra­te­gies, process changes, etc., we are very fami­liar with the risks that arise from project manage­ment: poor plan­ning, an overly opti­mi­stic sche­dule without clearly defined mile­stones, poor commu­ni­ca­tion during project execu­tion, inade­qua­tely assi­gned project staff, problems in setting up the ICT infra­struc­ture and a lack of risk manage­ment are perils that should not be underestimated.

As project mana­gers in charge, we have planned and estab­lished new loca­tions at home and abroad, as well as migrated nume­rous large projects from an exis­ting service provider to a new one. We have provided sales orga­niza­tions with a struc­tured and syste­matic market approach, reac­ti­vated negle­cted sales chan­nels and, toge­ther with the entire sales team, achieved greater agility in sales. As energy mana­gers, we have supported compa­nies in making produc­tion and service processes more efficient.

In short: We know what is important. In addi­tion to our opera­tional exper­tise, we have in-depth, industry-specific know-how and are very fami­liar with the chal­lenges of digital trans­for­ma­tion. We excel in the use of inno­va­tive tech­nical solu­tions to opti­mize exis­ting busi­ness processes. As project or interim mana­gers, we are your spar­ring partner, we are opti­mi­stic and open in our commu­ni­ca­tion, but we also remain skep­tical and give direct feed­back. We have a high degree of respon­si­bi­lity, as we take the task assi­gned to us seriously while always keeping the objec­tive in view.

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Energy services and energy management

From contrac­ting and elec­tro­mo­bi­lity to concepts: As an inde­pen­dent consul­ting firm in the energy busi­ness, we operate an inter­face between utili­ties and service provi­ders, and busi­ness custo­mers and the housing industry. With a 360-degree view of current trends and chal­lenges within the industry, we market or develop indi­vi­dual and sustainable energy concepts for various stakeholders.

We ther­e­fore make a clear and distinct sepa­ra­tion between a client and a contractor or supplier. We either act as a dedi­cated sales partner on behalf of the utility/​service provider in the marke­ting of inno­va­tive products, commer­cial and tech­nical services and complex energy solu­tions. Or we support compa­nies and the housing industry as inde­pen­dent energy mana­gers in finding holi­stic and indi­vi­dual solu­tions for energy supply and incre­asing energy effi­ci­ency. In the latter case, we draw on solu­tions provi­ders who fully meet the requi­re­ments of our clients.

No matter what side you are on: Toge­ther with our expe­ri­enced sales engi­neers, we offer you the tech­nical compe­tence to imple­ment custo­mized solu­tions, e.g. for heating, cooling, lighting, photo­vol­taic, compressed air or steam systems. We will advise you on the setup and further deve­lo­p­ment of your energy manage­ment, on the opti­miza­tion of energy procu­re­ment and decen­tra­lized energy setup and storage. Last but not least, as a partner in the field of elec­tro­mo­bi­lity, we provide you with a full-service package, ranging from the wall box to the char­ging station.

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Market Entrance and Site Location Assistance

The term market entrance covers a wide range of options for the company’s own deve­lo­p­ment. New products and services, new sales regions at home or abroad and new indus­tries and target groups are the subject of the imple­men­ta­tions of new ideas and stra­te­gies to increase one’s own added value. The variety of entry stra­te­gies in dome­stic and foreign markets includes organic as well as anor­ganic growth. This ranges from the diver­si­fi­ca­tion of a company’s own product range and services to the foun­ding or acqui­si­tion of compa­nies already active in the target market (M&A), or shared service compa­nies, stra­tegic alli­ances, Joint Ventures and Venture Capital Investments.

The main chall­enge is to over­come market entry barriers. Market entrance is closely linked to the concept of a product life­cycle and general marke­ting (respec­tively, compe­ti­tive stra­tegy). It is also important to decide which stra­tegic posi­tion a company prefers to take within a product market: that of a pioneer, a fast follower or a late entrant. Every posi­tion is asso­ciated with diffe­rent oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks.

In many cases, the setup of a sales orga­niza­tion is the first step in approa­ching and conquering a new market. Our ever­yday opera­tion excels in first-class sales services. We help German compa­nies to open up new busi­ness fields natio­nally and to expand their busi­nesses abroad. In turn, we help foreign compa­nies to successfully enter the German market.

We support our clients in shor­tening their busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment cycles while making their personnel capa­ci­ties, compe­ten­cies and costs more flexible. As experts, it is our claim potray the entire sales process in our service port­folio. Ther­e­fore, we also dedi­cate ourselves to all over­ri­ding ques­tions of process opti­miza­tion and quality enhance­ment. Our spec­trum ranges from consul­ting to the complete take­over of a sales process. We have successfully estab­lished this for various inter­na­tional compa­nies in Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Serbia, the USA and Japan.

The search for a suitable loca­tion in Germany or in another country may, respec­tively, follow directly or in a second step. The manage­ment of opti­vendo has expe­ri­ence in project manage­ment and the setup of new loca­tions in Germany and abroad. We know from nume­rous projects, in which we have been commis­sioned to search for a new loca­tion, what is essen­tial in order to assess the appeal of a market or a loca­tion. Country-specific criteria such as socio-demo­gra­phic deve­lo­p­ment, history of a country, menta­lity and culture, poli­tical system and current poli­tical situa­tions, secu­rity, economic factors, market and compe­ti­tion, invest­ment incen­tives, educa­tion, health care, labor market, tech­nical infra­struc­ture, trans­por­ta­tion and loca­tion appeal must be taken into account.

The manage­ment of opti­vendo also has expe­ri­ence and compe­tence in this area – one the of the examples are plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion of a joint venture in Great Britain, and the support and execu­tion of a due dili­gence in Sweden. In further loca­tion projects we have taken over the project manage­ment for the deve­lo­p­ment of an opera­tive busi­ness stra­tegy in Eastern Europe as well as the project manage­ment for the search, evalua­tion and estab­lish­ment of loca­tions in Germany, Switz­er­land, Poland, Great Britain, France and in South Africa. The setup and manage­ment of busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment orga­niza­tions in the Nether­lands, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Repu­blic complete our refe­rence profile.

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