by optivendo

ZAION commissions optivendo GmbH to implement a sales and market entry strategy

The french tech­no­logy company ZAION is the Euro­pean expert for advanced customer rela­ti­onship solutions.

Thanks to a unique and inno­va­tive Callbot tech­no­logy, ZAION puts the voice at the center of an inten­sive and emotional exchange.

With AI tech­no­logy, the needs of the customer can be analyzed and answered with arti­fi­cial intelligence.


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ZAION call­bots auto­mate high volume conver­sa­tions and help human agents on a daily basis. ZAION is revo­lu­tio­ni­zing the customer expe­ri­ence with voice and arti­fi­cial intelligence.

About optivendo GmbH:

opti­vendo GmbH from Hamburg is a manage­ment consul­ting and sales company that has specia­lized in the deve­lo­p­ment and opera­tional imple­men­ta­tion of sales and market entry stra­te­gies natio­nally and internationally.

About ZAION:

Zaion is the Euro­pean expert in arti­fi­cial customer rela­ti­onships. Thanks to an inno­va­tive and unique tech­no­logy from Call­bots, Voice­bots, Chat­bots, Messa­ging­bots, Zaion puts the voice at the center of an enri­ching and emotional exch­ange. This tech­no­logy enables the analyzed mood and meets the needs in dialogue with AI.
