optivendo GmbH becomes a member of research project “EIS4IoP” of the RWTH Aachen

by optivendo

optivendo GmbH becomes a member of research project “EIS4IoP” of the RWTH Aachen

by optivendo

by optivendo

The intro­duc­tion of energy manage­ment systems (EnMS) has proven to be a successful means of saving energy costs, conser­ving resources, ensu­ring secu­rity of supply, main­tai­ning trans­pa­rency regar­ding energy consump­tion and impro­ving grid stability.

The future chall­enge for compa­nies will be to be able to react flexibly to the grid situa­tion within the bounds of possi­bi­lity in order to shift energy volumes and thus save energy costs,” says Hans-Joerg Giese, member of the manage­ment of opti­vendo GmbH and Rese­arch Advi­sory Board of FIR e.V. at RWTH Aachen University.

The aim of the EIS4IoP rese­arch project is to improve and opti­mise the complex and non-trans­pa­rent intro­duc­tion of energy manage­ment systems by deve­lo­ping a design model for the intro­duc­tion of energy infor­ma­tion systems (EIS) as a decision-making aid.

About opti­vendo GmbH: The company specia­lises in stra­tegic manage­ment consul­ting, deve­lo­ping and imple­men­ting sales stra­te­gies to open up new busi­ness areas and posi­tions itself as an active partner in the acqui­si­tion of new custo­mers and the opti­mi­sa­tion of customer service processes.
