Family Business & SME

Family Business & SME

by optivendo

Family Business & SME

The progres­sive energy turn­around in Germany chal­lenges medium-sized and non-manu­fac­tu­ring compa­nies to use energy more effi­ci­ently and in a more envi­ron­men­tally friendly manner. And, if neces­sary, to prove this within an energy audit. opti­vendo was assi­gned by one of the largest envi­ron­mental service provi­ders in nort­hern Germany (120 million euros revenue, 850 employees) to support the company in setting up a certi­fiable energy manage­ment system for one of its 15 locations.

Initi­ally, the chall­enge was to define the energy foot­print limits and to deter­mine the indi­vi­dual consu­mers and consump­tions. optivendo’s main task after that, was to provide a system where energy manage­ment could be imple­mented effi­ci­ently in compli­ance with legal and regu­la­tory requi­re­ments. opti­vendo not only provided nume­rous docu­ments and templates for recor­ding and evalua­ting energy-specific key figures, but also created a company-specific temp­late for an energy manage­ment manual for setting up an energy manage­ment system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001.

opti­vendo worked effi­ci­ently and closely with the head of the company orga­niza­tion, created a project manage­ment plan, defined indi­vi­dual mile­stones to be achieved and was assi­gned in setting up an energy manage­ment system. In coor­di­na­tion with the client, opti­vendo operated exclu­si­vely on site. After around 12 months of co-opera­tion, opti­vendo handed over a compre­hen­sive docu­men­ta­tion in terms of energy consump­tion with an iden­ti­fied savings poten­tial and a first plan of action. This made it possible for the client to expand the energy manage­ment system – which had been deve­loped toge­ther with opti­vendo – inde­pendently and without external addi­tional costs as well as intro­duce it in other locations.

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Refe­rence: Largest envi­ron­mental service provider in Nort­hern Germany

Task: Advice on incre­asing energy effi­ci­ency and setting up an energy manage­ment system
