Energy Industry

Energy Industry

by optivendo

Energy Industry

As a consul­ting and sales company specia­li­zing in energy, opti­vendo has been working for one of Germany’s largest energy suppliers for several years (€ 8.3 billion revenue, 9,100 employees). The company, which had over the years lost its quasi­mo­no­po­li­stic posi­tion in the dome­stic market, was confronted with signi­fi­cant decre­asing customer numbers and a decline in sales. Compe­ti­tion in the elec­tri­city and gas market also put pres­sure on the margins. opti­vendo was assi­gned by the company’s manage­ment to develop a stra­tegy to attract new busi­ness custo­mers beyond the commo­dity market and the exis­ting sales regions.

opti­vendo took over this role and analyzed the market in terms of poten­tial, taking into account the current market posi­tion of the energy supplier and its range of services. After three months of in-depth market analysis, opti­vendo presented a sales-based solu­tion model for a market approach with new products in selected indus­tries and sales regions. The concept won over the company manage­ment and opti­vendo was subse­quently assi­gned with the marke­ting of contrac­ting services for lighting. In only six weeks, opti­vendo gene­rated almost 500 leads, where almost every fourth company showed a concrete need and inte­rest in the moder­niza­tion of their lighting system. The result of the successful acqui­si­tion and media­tion was: a few months later, as a first major customer, our client could win over the branch factory of a major car manu­fac­turer inclu­ding a leading aircraft manu­fac­turer with a contract value of several million euros.

On the base of success and close coope­ra­tion, opti­vendo was commis­sioned to concept and imple­ment further sales campaigns. Within four weeks, opti­vendo was able to gene­rate around 100 appoint­ments for the Key Account Manage­ment in a follow-up campaign on lighting. In a sales-oriented busi­ness region in the dome­stic market of the energy supplier, which had been set up for several months, opti­vendo marketed products with light and heat contrac­ting inclu­ding energy effi­ci­ency with similar success. In the follo­wing years, opti­vendo and their client continued to coor­perate closely and expand their part­ner­ship. In selected projects, opti­vendo is now a quali­fied sales partner and is respon­sible for the entire sales process ranging from the initial contact to the contract conclu­sion. Their first result: In just six months, opti­vendo was able to develop a sales pipe­line for the buil­ding and housing industry with a project volume in the two-digit million range.

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Refe­rence: Leading German energy supplier

Task: Evalua­tion of new busi­ness fields, marke­ting of energy services and acqui­si­tion of new busi­ness custo­mers in new sales territories
