Services & Outsourcing

Services & Outsourcing

by optivendo

Services & Outsourcing

For the world’s largest BPO provider of CRM services (€ 4.2 billion revenue, 220,000+ employees), opti­vendo took over the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of a sales stra­tegy for the acqui­si­tion of large inter­na­tional compa­nies. The change in manage­ment in Germany and the loss of nume­rous custo­mers in the previous years initi­ally required a re-orga­niza­tion and stra­tegic realignment of key account manage­ment and sales posi­tions. A parti­cular chall­enge was to over­come the diffe­rent busi­ness cultures of two previously inde­pen­dent compa­nies, which after they had been acquired by the client, had to be posi­tioned in the market under a new name.

After an initial SWOT and GAP analysis, opti­vendo deve­loped a prag­matic approach of restruc­tu­ring the exis­ting sales orga­niza­tion and after four weeks of prepa­ra­tion, it was possible for opti­vendo to put a branch-specific process model with a target-group specific approach into prac­tice. After four months of close co-opera­tion, in which opti­vendo – as an inte­grated partner – had a leading role in active sales, the first major new busi­ness client with a long-term contract and a contract value of a seven-figure sum could be won.

On the base of success, the client and opti­vendo further expanded their co-opera­tion. Over the next four years, opti­vendo had succeeded in acqui­ring addi­tional major custo­mers from various indus­tries with a total contract value in the two-digit million range. In addi­tion to acqui­ring new custo­mers, opti­vendo took over opera­tive tasks, such as imple­men­ta­tion, manage­ment and control­ling of new projects, recrui­ting new employees for middle manage­ment and intro­du­cing a company health manage­ment system which included a health card (in coope­ra­tion with a large health insu­rance company).

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Refe­rence: Global Leader BPO and CRM Services

Task: Crea­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of a sales stra­tegy and active acqui­si­tion of new customers
